For Immediate Release: February 7, 2019 Contact: Michelle Raczynski
SBEN Announces New 2019 Board of Director Members
ATLANTA, February 6, 2019 – The Southeast Benefits Education Network Announces new 2019 Board of Directors. With a positive outlook on 2019, the goal of the Board is to further the organization’s mission and to drive education.
“It’s exciting times for SBEN and we’re thrilled to welcome Susan Powers, Terri McNaughton, Kim Mitchell & Johnathan Gomes to the Board of Directors. They each bring their unique backgrounds and common passion for spreading employee benefits education and networking throughout the southeast. We have a great calendar for 2019 with events spanning Alabama, Georgia, North and South Carolina. With their support we’re looking forward to many great years ahead,” noted SBEN President, Eric Rioux.
Southeast Benefits Education Network 2019 Board of Directors
President: Eric Rioux with Lockton
Treasurer: Susan Powers, Partner, AssetGrade Registered Investment Advisors (New)
Past President: Alanna Tanner with Amick Farms
Directors: Charleen Barnwell with Hall Benefits Law
Jonathan Gomes with Lincoln Financial Group
David Hall with Hall Benefits Law
Mandy Hardin with Chick-Fil-A Corporate
Terri McNaughton with Elliott Davis (New)
Kimberly Mitchell, Compensation and Benefits at Wencor Group (New)
Colleen Pappas with Alight
Rachel Robinson with Caraustar
Tom Simonson with Lockton
Teresa Truelove with Sonepar USA
The organization’s Board capitalizing on a successful 2018 and looking to increase the positive momentum for the new year’s efforts. For more information visit:
The Southeast Benefits Education Network is a membership organization of intra-disciplinary practitioners from the following fields: Employers/Plan Sponsors, Accounting, Administration, Actuarial and Benefits consulting, Insurance, Investment Counseling, Investment Services, Legal, and trust.
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